Dates Closed/Hours of Operation Overview

overview, polaris, shared-ext-housekeep

Kelly Hock

Dates Closed/Hours of Operation

If you want to make any changes to your Dates Closed table or Hours of Operation, please open a HelpDesk ticket.

Dates closed

  • Items won’t be due on any days in the Dates Closed calendar. Items will be due the next open day.
  • The dates in the Dates Closed table can’t be seen by customers. It can be used for holidays and emergency closed days. It can also be used when the library is open, but you don’t want items to come due that day, like a Sunday.
    • If your library is closing early, like on the day before Thanksgiving, but you still want items to be due, then that date does not need to be included in the Dates Closed table.
  • This report shows the dates closed for your library/branch. This report also shows the hours of operation for the library/branch.
  • Polaris skips closed days when calculating the number of days that have elapsed for the Days at branch setting in the RTF queue.
  • Unclaimed days are extended by closed days.
  • If items have already come due before you add a day to the Closed Dates table, they will still be due. To change the due dates of items that are due on a Closed Day, use the Change Due Dates report.
  • Closed Dates are taken into account when calculating overdue fines.
    • For example, if an item is due on December 31, and the library is closed January 1st. If the patron returns the item on January 2nd, then they will NOT be charged a fine for 1/1.
  • When calculating the number of days past due for sending a notice or the number of days before sending a reminder notice closed days are NOT considered.
    • For example if an overdue notice is generated 7 days after an item is overdue, then that overdue notice will be sent 7 days after the item was due even if 6 of those days the library was marked as closed.
  • The Hours of Operation Table affects the timing of the Shelving Cart. The timer for how long an item is on Shelving Cart status only runs during open hours.

Hours of Operation

  • Items won’t be due on any CLOSED days listed in the Hours of Operation. Items will be due the next open day.
  • When a library is closed, fines are still calculated for that day if an item is overdue.
  • For example, if an item is due on Saturday, and the library is closed Sunday, if the patron returns the item on Monday, then the item will be 1 day overdue.
  • Libraries can use a separate setting, Days Not Fineable, to mark days of the week where fines won’t be calculated for that day if an item is overdue. For example, a library is closed on Sunday, and the day is marked “not fineable.” If an item is due on Saturday, and the patron turns in the item on Monday, they will not be fined.
  • The Hours of Operation Table affects the timing of the Shelving Cart. The timer for how long an item is on Shelving Cart status only runs during open hours. See this KB article for more information on how Hours of Operation can affect Shelving Cart status.
  • If a location is marked closed all days of the week in the Hours of Operation table, it will prevent you from logging into Leap at that branch, patron accounts registered at that branch may be inaccessible and the RTF process will not put items belonging to that location on the pull list.

Related Articles

  • If your library closes unexpectedly, follow the instructions in this article.
  • Use this report to change due dates for items if you close unexpectedly.
  • This article describes options for handling holds if your library is closed for several days or more.